5. Privacidade e Segurança
5.1. Informações Confidenciais — informações recebidas pelo operador no processo de cadastro do Usuário no Site, bem como durante as visitas aos Sites/Portal e participação nos eventos do Portal.
5.2. As informações confidenciais não estão sujeitas a divulgação e transferência a terceiros.
5.3. Personal data can be transferred by the Operator only in the following cases:
Official request of law enforcement agencies (violation of local and international legislation).
Personal will of the User.
Inability to use the Services and Additional Paid Services on the Portals (which the User is warned about in advance).
Violations of the clauses of this Agreement (at the discretion of the Operator).
5.4. The operator ensures the safety of the user’s personal data using special software. In case of unauthorized access to the Portal / Site of third parties, personal data security is not guaranteed.
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